Alice Somigliana

Third-year PhD Student at the European Southern Observatory


Welcome to my homepage! My name is Alice Somigliana and I am a third-year PhD student at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Garching bei Munchen, Germany. Thank you for stopping by, I hope you enjoy your time here!

About me

I was born and raised in Italy, in a cute little village in the north (where I took the background picture) very near Milan, where I obtained both my Bachelor's and Master's degrees. To pursue my passion for astrophysics and embark on the amazing adventure that is the PhD, I moved to Germany in September 2021.

I study protoplanetary discs, the cradles of planetary systems. I am mainly interested in their evolutionary processes, especially in discriminating between the possible scenarios from the theoretical and numerical perspective. I am also the main developer of Diskpop, a Python code to perform population synthesis of protoplanetary discs. I conduct my research under the supervision of Prof. Leonardo Testi (Universita' di Bologna), in the context of the ECOGAL ERC Synergy grant. For a detailed description of my current and past projects, see My research.

In my free time, I enjoy a lot of crafty activities such as crocheting, knitting and sewing. I like to practice many sports (without being a pro in any of them, just for fun) like hiking, inline skating, volleyball and biking. For frivolties, chit-chats and travel pictures, see Personal.