4. popcorn
popcorn is a Python library to analyse the output of Diskpop (described here). popcorn is automatically installed with Diskpop, say sth here popcorn performs bets in a Jupyter notebook environment. In the Diskpop repository, under the examples` folder, we provide two example notebooks reading a viscous and a MHD wind-driven population respectively.
4.1. Installation
popcorn can be installed from the Python Package Index as
pip install popcorn_diskpop
The installation of popcorn and Diskpop forces the installation of the 1.21 version of numpy because of compatibility issues with the following versions. We recommend setting up a virtual environment to avoid possible conflicts with other codes.
In the following, we describe the available functions.
4.2. popcorn functions
4.2.1. Used in the tutorial notebook
Prints all the simulations parameters, as input in parameters.json.
>>> evolvedpop = EvolvedPopulation('filename.hdf5')
>>> popcorn.print_info(evolvedpop)
Simulation Parameters
Simulating a population of 100 objects
Not using dust
Returns a dictionary of N elements, where N is the number of timesteps. Generating the dictionary through this function is a necessary step to load the arrays.
- Parameters:
evolved_population: object of type EvolvedPopulation
- Returns:
A dictionary containing pandas DataFrames of N elements, where N is the number of input timesteps.
>>> data = popcorn.load_data_pop_alltimes(evolvedpop)
popcorn.evolved_timesteps(evolved_population, data)
Returns a numpy array filled with the input timesteps in Myr (times_snapshots in the parameters.json file).
- Parameters:
evolved_population: object of type EvolvedPopulation
data: dictionary (pandas DataFrame) containing the simulation output, created by the load_data_pop_alltimes function
- Returns:
Numpy array filled with the input timesteps, in Myr.
>>> timesteps = popcorn.evolved_timesteps(evolvedpop, data)
array([1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 5, 10])
popcorn.load_arrays(evolved_population, data, timesteps, mhd = False)
Returns a set of arrays filled with the disc and stellar properties for all YSOs in the population at required ages.
- Parameters:
evolved_population: object of type EvolvedPopulation
data: list of pandas DataFrames, created by the load_data_pop_alltimes function
- timesteps: array of ages at which the disc and stellar properties are extracted. It needs to contain
ages at which Diskpop output was produced (i.e., values that were input in times_snapshots in the parameters.json file) as it recovers the parameter from the simulation and does not interpolate them.
- mhd: True if the population evolved under the influence of MHD winds, False otherwise (default is False).
Depending on the value of this parameter, the number of output arrays changes; if True, it includes also \(f_{\mathrm{M}, 0}\), \(\alpha_{\mathrm{DW}}\) and the plasma \(\beta\).
- Returns:
Set of numpy N-D arrays filled with the disc and stellar properties.
mstar: stellar masses [\(M_{\odot}\)], 2D (mstar[i][j] is the stellar mass at the i-th timestep of the j-th object).
mdisc: disc gas masses [\(M_{\odot}\)], 2D (same as mstar).
mdot: accretion rate on the star [\(M_{\odot}\)/yr], 2D (same as mstar)
sigma_g: gas surface density at all disc radii [g/cm^2], 3D (sigma_g[i][j][k] is the surface density of the j-th object at the i-th timestep in the k-th radial location).
tacc0_Myr: initial accretion timescale (viscous timescale in the viscous case) [Myr], 1D (tacc0_Myr[i] is the initial accretion timescale of the i-th object).
Rd: disc gas radius [au], 2D (same as mstar).
mask: boolean mask on the object type, containing True if Class II and False if Class III, 2D (same as mstar).
Only if mhd=True:
fM0: \(f_{\mathrm{M}, 0}\) parameter from Tabone et al. (2022), 1D (same as tacc0_Myr).
alpha_DW: \(\alpha_{\mathrm{DW}}\) parameter from Tabone et al. (2022), 1D (same as tacc0_Myr).
beta: plasma \(\beta\) parameter, 1D (same as tacc0_Myr).
>>> mstar, mdisc, mdot, sigma_g, R, tacc0_Myr, Rd, mask = popcorn.load_arrays(evolvedpop, data, timesteps, mhd = False) >>> mdisc [array([1.16110830e-06, 1.27484691e-05, ...]), array([1.13979059e-06, 1.26284132e-05, ...]), ...]
4.2.2. Additional functions
Users of Diskpop will most likely only need the functions described above; in the following, we describe the rest of the popcorn functions (which are used in the main ones described above) for completeness.
popcorn.load_data_population(evolved_population, time_index)
Same as popcorn.load_data_pop_alltimes, but limited to a single timestep.
- Parameters:
evolved_population: object of type EvolvedPopulation
time_index: index corresponding to the output age of the population in the _timesteps_ array (timesteps[time_index] is the desired age in Myr).
- Returns:
A dictionary containing a pandas DataFrames of disc properties at age timesteps[time_index].
popcorn.load_data_alltimes(evolved_population, yso_index)
Same as popcorn.load_data_pop_alltimes, but limited to a single disc in the population.
- Parameters:
evolved_population: object of type EvolvedPopulation
yso_index: index corresponding to the required YSO in the population.
- Returns:
A dictionary containing a pandas DataFrames of disc properties at all ages for the yso_index-th YSO.
popcorn.load_data(evolved_population, yso_index, time_index, verbose = False)
Same as popcorn.load_data_pop_alltimes, but limited to a single disc in the population at a single age.
- Parameters:
evolved_population: object of type EvolvedPopulation
yso_index: index corresponding to the required YSO in the population.
time_index: index corresponding to the output age of the population in the _timesteps_ array (timesteps[time_index] is the desired age in Myr).
- Returns:
A dictionary containing a pandas DataFrames of disc properties of the yso_index-th YSO at age timesteps[time_index].
Converts the radius from cm to au and the disc mass (both in gas and dust, if applicable) from grams to \(M_{\odot}\).
- Parameters:
data: dictionary (pandas DataFrame) containing the simulation output, created by the load_data_pop_alltimes function
Returns: converted input dictionary (pandas DataFrame).
popcorn.fildic2df(fulldata, wanted_keys)
Filters a dictionary, returning a new one with only the chosen variables.
- Parameters:
fulldata: full dictionary (pandas DataFrame) to be filtered.
wanted_keys: list of variables to be mainteined in the new dictionary
(ex. wanted_keys = [‘t_Myear’, ‘sigma_g’]).
Returns: filtered input dictionary (pandas DataFrame).
>>> filtered_data = popcorn.fildic2df(data, wanted_keys = ['t_Myear', 'sigma_g'])
popcorn.g2Msun(mass): Converts a mass from grams to solar masses.
- Parameters:
mass: mass in grams.
Returns: mass in solar masses.
popcorn.cm2au(length): Converts a length from cm to au.
- Parameters:
length: length in cm.
Returns: length in au.
popcorn.second2year(time): Converts a time from seconds to years.
- Parameters:
length: time in seconds.
Returns: time in years.
popcorn.year2second(time): Converts a time from years to seconds.
- Parameters:
length: time in years.
Returns: time in seconds.
4.3. Tutorial
Tutorial notebooks to use the main features of popcorn are available under the ‘examples’ folder in the Diskpop bitbucket repository. The folder includes two jupyter notebooks and their corresponding output files, to read a viscous and MHD-wind driven population respectively.